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Essential KPIs for Measuring Success After an eCommerce Migration

Written By Jenny Doe
Reviewed By Jenny Doe

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Essential KPIs for Measuring Success After an eCommerce Migration

Whether you migrate your eCommerce platform due to a technical issue, for a performance boost, or for any other reason, you need to ensure the migration is completely successful.
Interestingly, this success is not indicated by whether the data is completely transferred or not. Rather, some KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) will determine that the migration is successful and perfect.
Before we explore the essential eCommerce migration KPIs, we must understand the meaning of this term, KPIs. What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?

What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?

To define it in one sentence, a KPI is a measurable value that shows how efficiently and effectively a process, page, or entire website is performing. For example, the cart abandonment rate is a KPI telling that a specific percentage of shoppers added items to their carts but did not finish the purchase.

So, eCommerce migration KPIs help understand specific problems related to platform performance, user experience, marketing, sales, customer acquisition and retention, traffic, and operations. Based on this data, strategy makers can make informed and effective decisions to boost their sales and revenue.

Essential KPIs for eCommerce Migration

Migration can be daunting but keeping tabs on these eCommerce migration KPIs allows you to decide whether the migration resulted in the way you expected.

1. Website Traffic

Post-migration, monitor whether your online store’s visibility and attractiveness are not adversely affected. You can assess it with these key metrics:
•    Total number of visits before and post-migration
•    The number of unique and new visitors
•    The sources from which the visitors are learning about your platform

Migration can be complex if not done professionally. Learn how you can do it, here:Comprehensive Guide on eCommerce Migration.

2. Conversion Rate

Another one of the important eCommerce migration KPIs is analyzing how well your visitors are turning into customers. Check these metrics to learn the conversion rate:

•    Percentage of visitors who finish the purchase
•    Account registration and newsletter signups
•    Visitors who add products to their cart but do not finish the purchase

3. User Experience (UX)

Page load speed and website session duration are indicators of user experience (UX). They are essential KPIs for eCommerce migration that you can assess by tracking:

•    Page load time and speed
•    How fast your server responds to the initial request or Time to First Byte (TTFB)
•    The percentage of visitors leaving your website within seconds or after viewing a single page
•    How much time visitors spend on the website
•    How many pages do visitors view in one session
•    Which buttons do visitors and customers click mostly

4. Sales and Revenue

Ultimately, sales and revenue determine whether your eCommerce migration is successful and rewarding. You can analyze these eCommerce migration KPIs with below-listed metrics:

•    Comparison of sales figures before and after re-platforming
•    Average order value or the amount of spending on an order
•    The average revenue that each visitor generates 

5. Customer Retention and Loyalty

Acquiring new customers can be difficult but retaining existing ones can be the toughest nut to crack. However, the latter is always the most cost-effective and promising. So, evaluate it by monitoring:

•    Percentage of repeat customers
•    Total revenue that a customer generates on your platform during their lifetime
•    Customer loyalty and satisfaction via Net Promoter Score (NPS)

 6. Mobile Performance

Another one of the crucial eCommerce migration KPIs is analyzing how your mobile presence is working. More customers are shopping via mobile phones these days. So, analyzing its performance post-re-platforming is important for:

•    The loading speed of your eCommerce pages on mobile devices
•    Percentage of the traffic that visits via mobile phones
•    Conversion rate related to mobile purchases

These essential KPIs for eCommerce migration help determine whether your decision of migration and process is a hit or not. If it’s not, you can still improve the results by using these KPIs in your favor. It is crucial to measure migration success based on these KPIs and metrics so that you can make better decisions to connect with more customers and boost your sales.

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